Dear patient,

help us make a quick and precise diagnosis for your specific eye condition! Experience shows that many people do not think about their eye condition until they are interviewed, or often do not even know since when and in what way the problems have occurred. The catalogue here on the page serves as a first classification for you and your physician.

TIP: Make notes of your answers and bring them to your appointment!

From symptoms to suspected diagnosis

How answering these questions can help your ophthalmologist make a diagnosis.

Which eye is affected: right or left? Both at the same time or one after the other? Which eye was reddened first?

Since when do the symptoms exist (hours, days or weeks), for the first time, repeatedly or always recurring, increasing intensity or frequency of the symptoms, possibly in connection …

… with other activities (reading, doing sports, cycling, swimming, welding, flexing, working with hammer and chisel, staying at the beach, in the garden, in animal stables / on the farm, in the aeroplane, abroad)?
or other symptoms (watery or purulent discharge, sneezing attacks, skin rashes, joint complaints, dry mouth, head / face skin hypersensitivy or numbness, swelling in the throat / jaw area, blocked nose, burning sensation and pain when urinating)?

Does anyone else in your circle of relatives (children, grandchildren, partner) or acquaintances (work colleagues) have similar complaints?

Has the vision in the affected eye worsened recently?

Does blinking several times improve vision?

Do you have a cold or fever?

Are you sensitive to light or glare?

Have you recently seen rainbow colours around light sources?

Are you taking any medication (pills, injections, or eye drops)?

Do you wear contact lenses?

Do you suffer from headaches, nausea or vomiting?

Is there an underlying disease?

Are there any known diseases in your own family (parents, grandparents, siblings)?

Which eye is affected: right, left or both (cover and assess one eye at a time)?

Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

Do you have blurred vision at distance, near, or both?

In childhood, did you see equally well with both eyes (with or without glasses)?

Did you have one eye patched?

How long have you had blurred vision (hours, days, weeks, or months)?

Does the blurred vision exist acutely, temporarily, permanently, fluctuating, getting progressively worse, getting better after blinking?

Do you see objects that you know are straight (window frames, check paper) now wavy?

Has the contrast become worse (black appears like gray)?

Has the color saturation changed (red appears like orange)?

Do you see haze, streaks, or fog?

Do you notice any lateral restrictions?

Is the vision deterioration accompanied by headaches, chewing pains, or pain when combing your hair?

Are both eyes affected or only one? Which one?

How long has it been hurting (hours, days, weeks)?

Do you have a foreign body sensation / got something in the eye?

Do you have a cold or fever?

Do you wear glasses for distance, screen work, reading?

When was the last time the optician checked your glasses?

Do your eyes slide apart when you read in the evening?

When was the last time you had your eye pressure checked?

Which eye is affected: right or left, both at the same time or one after the other, which was affected first?

Since when do the symptoms exist (hours, days or weeks): first time, repeatedly or always recurring, increasing severity or frequency of the symptoms, possibly in connection …

with other activities (reading, doing sports, cycling, swimming, welding, flexing, working with hammer and chisel, staying at the beach, in the garden, in the animal stable / on the farm, in the airplane, abroad)
or other symptoms (watery or purulent discharge, sneezing attacks, skin rashes, joint complaints, dry mouth, head / face skin hypersensitivity or numbness, swelling in the throat / jaw area, blocked nose, burning sensation and pain when urinating).

Does anyone else in your circle of relatives (children, grandchildren, partner) or acquaintances (work colleagues) have similar complaints?

Has the vision in the affected eye worsened recently?
Does blinking several times improve the vision?

Do you have a cold or fever?

Do you have a foreign body sensation / got something in the eye?

When was the last time you had your eye pressure checked?

Which eye is affected: right or left, both at the same time or one after the other? Which eye was affected first?

How long have the symptoms been present (hours, days or weeks), first time, recurrent or recurring, increasing severity or frequency of symptoms?

Have you noticed any restriction of the visual field upward, downward, or sideways?

Has there been lightning, do you see floaters?

Do you, your ancestors or siblings have any known retinal problems?

Do you have / have you had myopia over minus 3 dpt?

Have you had eye lens / cataract surgery or retinal laser surgery?

Have you had an eye injury?

Have you ever received a blow to the eye (squash, badminton, boxing)?

Which eye is affected: right or left, both at the same time or one after the other? Which eye was affected first?

How long have the symptoms been present (hours, days or weeks), first time, recurrent or recurring, increasing severity or frequency of symptoms?

Have you noticed a restriction of the visual field upwards, downwards or to the side?

Has there been lightning, do you see soot flakes?

Do you, your ancestors or siblings have any known retinal problems?

Do you have / have you had myopia over minus 3 dpt?

Have you had eye lens / cataract surgery or retinal laser surgery?

Have you had an eye injury?

Have you ever received a blow to the eye (squash, badminton, boxing)?

Do you have any neck problems?

Is your blood pressure increased, is it treated?

Do you have a known (eye) migraine?

Since when do the complaints exist (hours, days or weeks), for the first time, repeatedly or always recurring, increasing severity or frequency of the complaints?

When do the complaints occur? After getting up, during a certain activity (hanging laundry/curtains), a certain head or body position?

Can you intensify / provoke the complaints?
What do you do to alleviate the discomfort?

Does it sway or turn (in which direction)?

What happens when you close your eyes? Does it get better or worse?

Do you have the impression of falling in a certain direction?

Do you have to vomit, is there nausea before?

Are there any sensations (numbness), loss of strength or speech disorders?

Does the heart beat regularly? Has the blood pressure been checked?

Do you have double vision?

Is your hearing altered, do you have ringing in the ears?

Since when do the complaints exist (hours, days or weeks), for the first time, repeatedly or always recurring, increasing severity or frequency of the complaints?

When do the complaints occur? When chewing or combing hair?

Where is the pain located? Right or left, at the temples, in the neck, behind the eye?

Is the pain stabbing, probing or dull, in waves or continuous?

Have you vomited without preceding nausea?

Do you take medication permanently because of headaches, has the blood pressure, eye pressure and glasses been checked by the optician?

Since when do the complaints exist (hours, days or weeks), for the first time, repeatedly or always recurring, increasing severity or frequency of the complaints?

When do the symptoms occur?

Which eye is affected: right, left or both (close one eye at a time and assess)?

Do the symptoms occur when wearing glasses or contact lenses?

Do you have double vision at distance, near, or both?

In childhood, did you see equally well with both eyes (with or without glasses)?

Was one eye taped?

Are there any sensory disturbances (numbness), diminishing strength or speech disorders?

Have you noticed a restriction of the visual field upward, downward, or to the side?

Is the visual deterioration accompanied by headaches, chewing pains, or pain when combing your hair?

Taking medication (tablets, injections, or eye drops).

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